Saint Saviour's Church

Mass Times

Mass Times

Please find both Sunday and weekday Mass times listed below. The Masses listed in bold and italics are the times of the public Conventual Mass. The public Conventual Mass is the main Eucharistic celebration for the Dominican community each day, with the brothers serving and singing during this celebration.

(*Excluding bank holiday Mondays)

(**Please note that 9:25A.M. Morning Mass will not be celebrated outside the academic term (February – Mid June).

The Dominican Community of St. Saviour’s, also celebrates Mass in the chapel of the St. Martin Apostolate at 42, Parnell Square at 1.00 P.M., Monday to Friday. Click here for more information.


Polish Mass Times:

Please find Mass times for celebrations in Polish below:

Fridays: 7 P.M.

Sundays: 1 P.M. & 7 P.M.

Please check out the website for details:

Spanish Mass Times

Saturdays: 7:00 P.M.

Please check out the website for details: